It’s an amazing feeling when you step into your identity as a Christian Entrepreneur and say YES to the calling of God on your life to be fruitful and to multiply.
So, here I am inviting you to enroll in The Client Flow Accelerator and be that version of yourself who MADE IT HAPPEN!
Why this program?
Because it not only teaches tried and tested online marketing strategies that produce results, but it is merged together with fundamental wealth creation strategies founded on biblical principles that cause real transformation.
You maybe asking yourself what does that mean. Well some of you are STUCK not because of lack of strategy, but because of lack of confidence in who you are as a wealth creator in Gods kingdom.
You may have had failures in the past and now you are reluctant to take the steps required to really make a change. That was me.
I started my full-time entrepreneurial journey 12 years ago with faith in God. Within 2 years we were generating 6 figures and in 2.5 years it peaked at about £230,000 in revenue. This was an offline business and, due to the market and mistakes on our part, things took a turn for the worst, and we basically lost a lot of money in the process.
Well, it's what happened next that I want you to focus on. I was financially STUCK for a good few years. I had lost self-esteem, lacked confidence and was pretty much swimming in fear of failing again.
This meant that I was unable to break past the financial ceiling that I had unknowingly created for myself.
But, thank God for God!
He got me back on track and made me realise through HIS WORD (The Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth ) that I already had everything I needed to succeed, I just had to unlock it. Once that happened, everything changed and my creative juices started to flow again.
I realised that it was more than just a marketing strategy I needed.
Once that's sorted out, the next thing you need is to FOCUS on a strategy that is best suited to your needs and this is what this course is designed to help you do.
Everyone knows that what you focus on grows.
This is why this program is focused on income-generating activities that are designed to get you results and get you clients.
Too many people get side tracked with non-income related tasks like completing websites, choosing brand colours, designing logos, creating non-profit posts. All these things have their place but it does not bring you closer to your income goal.